I was invited to attend a cookie party that is more than a 20 year tradition for some of the ladies involved. I was selected to make 12 dozen iced sugar cookies. The objective of the party is to bring 12 dozen cookies, share a dozen while at the party and then leave with 11 dozen cookies to share with your family and friends. I will admit for my first year the time to prepare, ice and wrap the cookies was a little more time consuming than initially planned on my part. However; I am now more experienced for next year. I was called the over achiever of the group- so I was told but it was a lot of fun. I am now only allowed to use paper plates and ziploc bags for next year.
I made a quick trip down to Branson to enjoy the Christmas Lights and some shopping of course. We went to the Branson Landing where they have the light and fire show. The trees were decorated in blue and silver with rather large silver reindeer.