Saturday, April 24, 2010

Manchester United vs Tottenham April 24 at Old Trafford

Thanks to Matt the B&V safety guy loaning me his season tickets I was able to attend the football match and experience firsthand UK football.  The atmosphere was awesome.  Matt didn't mention I was only 3 rows up from the pitch! What a surprise when I got to the stadium.

Manchester United 3 – Tottenham 1; 2 penalty goals by Giggs and a goal by Nani – on the Tottenham side King scored one goal

I was able to capture a pic with a piece from the pitch but security wouldn't allow me a piece of my own to bring back.  This pic dedicated to my boss who is a big football fan.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jobsite Life

My luxury office and site crew:

Matt the safety guy:

Don't mess with my tea/hot chocolate mug (only thing to keep me warm):

Graham - Supervisor for Promanex

Howard (my commercial aid) - Promanex

Mick - Foreman for Promanex and Irish Safety fill-in

Lunch everyday at the Truck Stop:

Arrival in Immingham UK April 12- Deja Vu

I was once again summoned to the UK for emergency warranty work at site.  Some pics of my hotel - The Ashbourne:

Monday, April 12, 2010

One last visit

One more dinner with my BF Kelli before heading over to the UK for work.  Lucas Dean Girdner is due on my birthday April 19th!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Kylie - April 2010

Glad I got to attend your party before going overseas once more.  You had a great day with all your family!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tulips in Bloom!

Catching up my blog from last spring may take me a few days......

These were my pretty tulips last spring:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Desiree's One Year Anniversary

April 2nd was Desiree's One Year Anniversary.  Cookie dough ice cream was a treat.