Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Travels August 14, 2008

I am back to work in Thailand after a new adventure in Singapore. Singapore was a nice break from the crowded streets of Bangkok. August 9 was Singapore's National Day celebrating 43 years of independence from Malaysia. There was an air show and fireworks and a 3 tv screens at City Hall were you could view the National Day Parade. They also attempted the world's largest Singapore flag with red and white lights with the crowd.

We stayed at Orchard Parade Hotel which was very nice and in the center of the shopping district. We were in walking distance of the Botanic Gardens which could have been a weeks trip in and of itself. Hundreds of varieties of orchids not to mention all the different types of trees. We also went on a Cheng Ho water tour to see the islands and city skyline. On the tour we stopped at Kusu Island otherwise known as tortoise island. We walked on the beach and collected a few shells.

Sunday for dinner we met with Chris Kim (works for B&V Singapore) and her daughter Molly and G (nanny). They took us to the east coast park area to walk along the water and to see the Seafood Centre where we ate Singapore style seafood. We ordered several things and shared them all including: chili crab, black peppered crab, scallops, cereal prawns and morning glory (vegetable). It was a great meal to share with friends.

On Monday we spent the morning in Chinatown shopping for souvenirs and then went to Sentosa for the remainder of the evening. We went to Underwater World, Palawan Beach, Dolphin Lagoon with the pink dolphins. Then we met some friends of mine who worked on the Spruce project with me; Eddie and Ian with BEC. We met at Coastes which is a restaurant on the beach. Kathy and I had dinner there and then went to Songs of the Sea. We finished the evening by walking through Merlion Walk and then to the cable cars for a ride back to Singapore.

We finished the trip off by spending some time at the Tanglin Mall before heading to the airport. When we arrived in Bangkok Tuesday on the Queen's birthday aka Mother's Day is celebrated as a holiday.

Link to photos:


Anonymous said...

so I learned how to leave comments! In sync w/ other comments left, when is Emily sleeping? Sounds like you are seeing how the rest of the world lives and sharing good times with good people. Looking forward to more stories.

Safe travels.

Jefmar said...

Your Singapore pictures are wonderful and your trip sounds like it was great! I don't know how you managed to do so many things! I always enjoy seeing the pictures of your food! So many different things and so many kinds of pizza!

Anonymous said...

Hey Emily!! Sounds like you're not wasting a second! Don't forget to get some sleep!! Have fun and take care,

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