Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Travels July 31, 2008

All is well~

For lunch yesterday I had chicken with rice noodles (using chopsiticks) it was very good.

Last night Kathy and I ventured to the hotel with direction from Ailly via taxi, sky train and then walking. It takes quiet awhile to get from work to the hotel we are still deciding the best way to go. For convenience in the morning we will be splitting a taxi ride.

For dinner last night we tried pad thai with prawns and chicken rice. The pad thai was very good and the rice was not a winner. Also, on the way home we saw a baby elephant a block from where we stay, they were selling food so you could feed him. He was very cute and it was a bit strange seeing him on the block. Tonight we will be going to the market.

PS: I now have hot water

1 comment:

Mom said...

a baby elephant? where's the camera when you need one?