Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Travels Weekend of August 1, 2008

I uploaded my pictures from the weekend of all the places we visited. You will notice some of the places only have the outside of the buildings, that is because cameras are not allowed in all places. To see the inside visit the website links on yesterday's post.

This weekend I will be going to Singapore as Tuesday is a holiday in Bangkok. Singapore celebrates its Independence Day this weekend also. I'm looking forward to another travel.


Jefmar said...

Your pictures are amazing! You really saw a lot of things in one weekend!!! Did you stop to sleep? It's great that you are getting to go to Singapore. It is supposed to be a really neat place to visit. We'll be looking forward to more pictures! Enjoy!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! This brings back so many memories for me. Thailand is such a beautiful place. Have a wonderful time in Singapore! Make sure you go up north to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai to visit the hilltribe people and climb the 700 serpent-lined steps up to the Buddhist temple! Z